Ladies Fashion Biography
source link:( are interested in what other people do. If you're not, you're an outlier. We evolved to our current state in small, hunter-gatherer tribes, and "what other people do" was a matter of life-and-death for us. Study after study has proven that we're intensely social animals. Men are no exception. They tend to gossip just as much as women do. In some cultures, men gossip in different ways from women—and they may not use magazines as tool for this purpose—but they still gossip.
Unfortunately, almost all my coworkers are men. I've worked in a male dominated industry for my entire career. I'm around men all day—and have been at five different companies—and they take a constant, gossipy interest in what other people do. Both in what coworkers are doing and what celebrities and politicians are doing.Both men and women tend to be obsessed in fashions and trends. In my culture, women are generally more into clothes and cosmetics then men are, but plenty of men are interested in other sorts of fashions, including ones centered around cars and electronics. Both men and women spend huge amounts of their disposable incomes on "frivolous" things they don't need, and most are intensely interested in stuff that has nothing to do with survival or improving the world, such as movies, TV shows, entertainment sites, video games, sports, and so on.
And every man and woman I've ever met has been intensely interested in his or her own opinions, so I'm not sure what you're talking about when it comes to that. Most of us care about our opinions and other people's opinions. This is, again, because we evolved as pack animals. It's our nature.One of the differences between the new wave of feminism and previous ones is that feminists do not seem to care any more about what clothes women wear. Long gone are the days when being a feminist implied hating fashion and burning bras (as a 46-year-old woman who has had three children, I am naturally grateful for the latter). Indeed, since feminism has turned towards women’s freedom to take their own decisions in life, women wearing what they wish (be that plain, colourful, wide, narrow, on trend or outdated) fits neatly with that concept.
When it comes to clothes it is difficult to put the finger on what is gender discriminatory, because (unfair as that may be) first impressions of both men and women are often formed by how we look. A comment about women having to shorten the length of their skirts in order to be successful is clearly discriminatory. But if a businesswoman or female politician goes to a meeting in flamboyant clothes or shoes and people or the media comment on them, does it happen only because she is a woman? Would that happen if a businessman or male politician went to a meeting in flamboyant clothes or shoes? Researchers have found that men also tend to prefer shopping by themselves, whereas women — when the time permits — often like to shop with other women. This pattern aligns with the hunter-gatherer theory: Although hunters did sometimes go out together, the activity wasn’t a particularly social one, as they had to stay very quiet to avoid frightening off their prospective catch. Women, on the other hand, probably gathered food alongside other women from their tribe, and had a nice chat at the same time. Much as we do today when flicking through the racks.Fashion is a reflection of ones' character & it's a lot more apparent in women as we all like to look good for ourselves as well as for our man.Fashion is fun if you are willing to experiment rather than blindly follow trends & be a fashion victim,you have to know how to pick & choose what suits you & it's an art knowing how to dress fashionably without looking like a fashion billboard.For me, fashion is a way of expressing myself. I don't really dress the way most people my age do, but I like that because it sets me apart. I'd be mad to see someone wearing the same thing as me at a party because I wouldn't feel unique, and it would just be generic and boring. To me, the fashion industry is the opposite of generic and boring. Sure, the plain clothes at target aren't exciting, but it's part of the challenge to make them exciting. Looking at haute couture collections is like looking at art, not just clothes, at least to me.
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